Thursday, August 20, 2009

journal entry 10

negative peer pressure,

uhmm,i started to play computer games additively,and waste all my money to be a strong player,

i never doubted any game,as soon as a game starts to flourish, ill start to play it, with my friends,

i felt so disgusted of my past actions, but it's to late, all my mone has turned to waste

Journal entry 9

i describe a responsible person ,

if he does everything in accord,and does everything without rushing,thinking first.

i have no responsibilities at home
at school i must Study
and same for the community i have no responsibilities,

Journal 8

i tell the truth let's say 90%,every time there is a sharing , in eng. and values, i always tell them who am i,what i do, though it seems that some are doubtful of my stories,i just tell them that, it's up to them if they will believe me,if they don't it's their loss,

most of my lies come from white lies, lies that help your friend,to bail them out of truoble.etc. and stuff like that,

so i must make myself a 100 % honest.

journal entry 7 start , i know that i am healthy,and i have nothing to say,becaus i eat healthy foods and exercise,and play badminton,regularly so..i have no doubts in my health,and BTW i don't smoke and Drink..^^

journal entry 6

A. i tried to get a high score, i did not get a high score,i feel so useless,because after a long stay in MCL i can,t seem to pass math exams ^^
C.i realized if i keep this up i might fail;...

journal entry 5


i started to play badminton because i had engaged in a quarrel with my coach, so to not make matters worst, i quitted the team and started to play badminton,and in time i started to play like a pro( if..)and i started teaching other people and share my story everytime i come across someone,

Sunday, June 28, 2009

journal entry

i feel so happy to know that i have those traits and not realize it
i would like my class mates and teachers alike to treat me with due respect and to help me grow and adjust to my new school ad that is MCL.,i will treat them as i treat anybody,treat them with respect and help them in any way posible

journal entry 3

my first week at mcl was good,
i made tons of new friends,and i easily adjusted,
it was hard at first,but once you get along with all of your blockamates,
it is so easy,

friends help you in all ways possible,may it be negative or positive.
they stick with you,
unless you had a fight,

they helped me adjust,
they helped me to fit in,

and that was one of the greatest thing
anyone did for me...

Top 10 common personal values



3.continous improvement








Saturday, June 20, 2009

Online Journal Entry no.2

Topic:after you have proversed your first year experiences at MCL,In what way this will help you achieve successful adjustments?

at first glance,MCL?(giggle),this will be easy...but once i entered the campus my heart starts beating faster,and i came to me that,god the campus is gorgeous,and me?they all welcome me to college,what a sight to see.and as a student,a freshman,i must adjust to all these,the new campus,professors,classmates,new officers,and all things new to my senses, i am no longer high school,that the student were dependent,and i will even miss the smell of fried chicken in the cafeteria,and all.

Online Journal Entry no.1

topic:how does values education work to your advantage?

values is a very advantageous subject because it deals with life itself,the way you do things,the manner you deliver your speeches,your works and all else is all related to values.advantageous in a way, becaus all acts done reflects what have you learned in values.for example,if ever you spitted,and many people saw what you did, there are 2 possible outcomes, if the one who saw you is illiterate,or stupid,they will imitate your wrong doings.on the other side,if ever the one who saw you is educated in good ways,he will approach you and ask you..why did you spitted there?do you not know that is bad, goes to show that everything you do,affects you and all else around you,your familiy background,even your country's background.