Saturday, June 20, 2009

Online Journal Entry no.1

topic:how does values education work to your advantage?

values is a very advantageous subject because it deals with life itself,the way you do things,the manner you deliver your speeches,your works and all else is all related to values.advantageous in a way, becaus all acts done reflects what have you learned in values.for example,if ever you spitted,and many people saw what you did, there are 2 possible outcomes, if the one who saw you is illiterate,or stupid,they will imitate your wrong doings.on the other side,if ever the one who saw you is educated in good ways,he will approach you and ask you..why did you spitted there?do you not know that is bad, goes to show that everything you do,affects you and all else around you,your familiy background,even your country's background.

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